Новости и события

FMN Laboratory team participated in Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference 2018
1 october 2018

Report on "Plasmonic magneto-optical one-dimensional nanostructure: Wood anomaly and Faraday rotation for biosensorics”.

FMN Laboratory team participated in MNE 2018
21 september 2018

Report "Fabrication array of reproducible submicron Josephson Junction"

FMN Laboratory team participated in MNE 2018
20 september 2018

"High-quality plasmonic sensors based on thin structured metal films".

FMN Laboratory team at Conference Laser Optics (ICLO) 2018
1 june 2018

Report and publication on the topic “Optical spectroscopy of Ag/Py based magneto-plasmonic crystals”

FMN Laboratory team participated in SPIE 2018
4 may 2018

Report and publication on the topic “Highly directional plasmonic nanolaser based on high performance noble metal film photonic crystal”.

FMN Laboratory team participated in SPIE 2018
1 april 2018

Report and publication on the topic “Colloidal suspensions in external rotating electric field: experimental studies and prospective applications in physics, material science, and biomedicine”.

Визит делегации концерна Carl Zeiss и холдинга ОПТЭК
Visit of Carl Zeiss and OPTEC holding to FMN Laboratory
3 november 2017

Ilya Rodionov made introduced FMN Laboratory and its capabilities to the guests of the BMSTU.

SPIE Optics + Photonics 2017
Participation in SPIE Optics + Photonics 2017 Conference
6 august 2017

FMN Laboratory team shared results in frames of two reports.

Participation in Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium-Spring (PIERS) 2017 Conference
21 may 2017

Report and publication on the topic “Crystalline structure dependence on optical properties of silver thin film over time”

Помощник Президента РФ и вице-президент Сбербанка посетили НОЦ ФМН
15 march 2016

НОЦ ФМН посетили Сурков Владислав Юрьевич, помощник Президента РФ, Борисов Сергей Ренатович, вице-президент Сбербанка России, Президент ОПОРЫ РОССИИ, и Александров Анатолий Александрович, ректор МГТУ им.Н.Э.Баумана.

Сюжет о НОЦ ФМН на Первом канале
20 january 2016

Тема выпуска: "Новые технологии и новые идеи становятся основой национальной безопасности России".